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Full Version: Take 2: Winter Tune
GMC Forum > Discussion Boards > REC
Original lesson: Winter Tune by Piotr Kaczor

Hi guys this is the take 2! I feel i'm making big improvement in this take but also in my overall playing :)

Links to previous attempts at this lesson:
Darius Wave
Hey Kalidia!

Indeed You did some timming improvements but I think this hard lesson need it's time anyway. I was going back and forward between both of Your takes. To be honest after about 15 minutes I got confused which one is first and which is the second one smile.gif I'm afraid there are still some problems that were present in the first take. For example not confident first accents (very beginning) and some similar flaws in the second half. But from the good things I can say You also improved Your bends. Well done!
Gabriel Leopardi
Hi mate. I can note an improvement in the first rhythmic part but there is still room to improve the timing and also the bends as Darius said. You are going on the right way with this one, just keep on practicing and also start working on some other lessons that uses similar techniques at the same level.
Cosmin Lupu
Hey man,

As the guys said, there is still a lot of space to improve, so please take your time and practice slowly, listening to all the details. There isn't anything else I'd add, so keep at it and maybe you can post a recording in the Practice room, where you play over the original recording smile.gif it's a good way to see how accurate you are.


Almost there, 7
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