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Full Version: Gary Moore Style Rhythm & Solo
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Original lesson: Gary Moore Style Rhythm & Solo by Denes Nagy

This solo is amazing :) Really and simply love it!

Darius Wave
Once Again Great work! But we would be useless if You would not point any details to fix biggrin.gif

1. I think in the beginning part You could have more relaxed wrist and keep most of the motion drectly from it
2. You could take away a bit of distortion so You won't feel addicted to right hand muting the noises
3. 0:49 timming went a bit off
4. 0:20 - something get not clear in there
5. 0:40 - this bend is short so quite hard to get always in tune but possible smile.gif
6. 0:47 similar thing - needs a bit more to reach the correct pitch

Anyway when i first listened to it without seeing You play I had no huge compliments - I enjoyed it smile.gif Well done
Ben Higgins
Great take Thomas.. there wasn't anything that was too bad in that take. Just some bits could flow a bit better, that's all.. and some notes could use some more vibrato.. but overall, really good - I enjoyed ! smile.gif
Cosmin Lupu
Hey mate! Congrats on a nice take!

I think Darius spotted out all the details - I just want to add that I think you have a pretty nice sense of articulation!

Focus on Darius' advices and keep rocking!

Gabriel Leopardi
Hi mate! You have a really good energy on this take. As the other instructors said, there are some little issues to fix here and there but the overall sounds good. Keep on practising this lesson having in mind Darius tips.
Pass: 8.25
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