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Full Version: Gary Moore meets Peter Green
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Original lesson: Gary Moore meets Peter Green by Guido Bungenstock

I've been working this lesson to continue focus on my bending and vibrato. There's still work to be done, but I think it's coming along nicely. Thanks for the feedback and happy holidays!

Gabriel Leopardi
Hi mate, good job!

Your take sounds very good. There are not relevant issues to mark or improve, your playing is consistent and precise. The only detail that I could comment here is that your vibrato could be wider in some cases, as this is a Gary Moore Style lesson. If you'd like to emulate his phrasing, you'll have to get inspired by Guido's vibrato on this lesson.

Other than that this is a great take, keep on rocking!
Darius Wave
Well done man! Vey good, sensitive touch to this tune. You definitely" got the blues for us" smile.gif
Nothing serious to point out here. Just a few random spots where bending pitch could be more precise but it does not affect overall performance that much. So in a few words....great job!
Ben Higgins
Hi man. Really digging your tone here - very tasteful!

On every version I've seen of this lesson, nobody ever seems to notice that sequence of two different intervals that should be at 0:15. You're playing the same interval twice there but it should be a shift to a different one.

Bending and control are all really good. I feel that you can be a bit too straight with your timing. Blues should be a lot looser so allow for phrases that suddenly quicken or change pace rather than sticking to the same tempo.

Other than that, very very good. Happy new year!
Pass: 8.7
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