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Full Version: Take 2: Alternate Picking Workout #4
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Ken Slocum
Original lesson: Alternate Picking Workout #4 by Darius Wave

Hi Guys, this is my second recorded take submission. Thanks for the great feedback. I tried to take it to heart on this second submission. I have small hands, so that stretch from the third fret to the seventh fret is difficult for me. I will continue to work on the placement of my fingers so I am in the right position. I use REAPER to mix my audio and video. I also used a different tone with less reverb on this take. Thanks for the lesson and the feedback.

Links to previous attempts at this lesson:
Darius Wave
Great to know you're working hard to get things done.

I have an additional advice before going to further analysis. Your pick grip. You rest your pick on the flat/print side of the index finger this way it requires more strength to efficiently hold the pick - with this grip index finger is more flexible and needs more strength to hold it tight. Most of players hold the pick on the side of index finger. It feels weird at the beginning but it becomes natural quite fast smile.gif again this will be more important once you'll skip to another levels of playing. It's very important to fix things like this at the beginning because later it's much harder to replace some bad habbits with good ones

Timming is still not perfect but day to night better then previous take.

As for small hands. It doesn't work that way. That's why there are so many exercises for stretching and similar. At the begining we all had our hand not prepared for such a stretching. It has been practised like anything else smile.gif

Look at Jazzy Lewis. Now she can tell she has small hands yet her playing skilsl are awesome smile.gif

Ben Higgins
Hi Ken, I wasn't around to give feedback / grade your previous REC take and you've already uploaded another one so I'll just do this one rather than critique an old one smile.gif

Timing is a massive improvement to what you were doing previously. The only time the flow is broken is when you cut the last note of every shape short in order to prepare for the next shape. I know that we all did this whilst our hands were developing the memory to play such shapes so it's a common issue. But see if you can reduce that audible pause that you leave at the end of each phrase. This will help things sound seamless. However, it's not as big a priority as the picking itself..

As Darius said, you'll have a much easier time of it if you grip the pick between the thumb and side of your index finger, not the back of your index finger. Please check out my Beginner course where I have a whole section devoted to using the pick

Combined with Darius's lessons, we'll sort you out cool.gif
Gabriel Leopardi
Hi mate,

Good job with this new take! I can notice that your timing is better on this one so it means that you are on the right track with your practice. The notes are sounding clear and your hands are in sync.

I think that putting your left hand thumb a bit downer will help for bigger stretches so I recommend you to check the original lesson and pay attention to how Darius uses his left hand thumb. This finger is fundamental to have more strength but also to be able to play bigger stretches even when having smaller hands.

Besides this, it also a good moment to try to make your left hand movements the smaller possible, and keep fingers closer to the fret board when quitting them. This is not an issue now but it can be a problem if you want to play faster licks.

That's all by now, keep on the good job!
Pass: 7
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