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Full Version: Alternate Picking Workout #4
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George Hlio
Original lesson: Alternate Picking Workout #4 by Darius Wave

Generally I tried to stay on time... Am I picking too hard? It feels natural maybe because I like to pick hard for metal palm muting.

Darius Wave
Hey there! smile.gif

Most of your take is really descent. There are just a few moments towards the end where you tend to get a little out of sync between hands and timming goes a bit off. Aside from this I have no additional complains. Well done

As for the picking strength - that's a good idea to practice hard picking. The more gain you give from your hands the less you'll need to set on your amp. This will profit in less feedback and less hum or noise from the amp. You can also adjust the width of right hand motion. For slower picking, wider motion helps to keep better timming smile.gif
Gabriel Leopardi
Hi George,

Good job with this lesson. There is nothing to add to Darius comments. This lesson is a good training for your picking and practicing hard picking is a great idea to then be able to control your dynamics as you wish.

I think that you could continue playing this one once or twice every day and start working on a new AP lesson.

Keep on the hard work!
Ben Higgins
Hi George, there's nothing really wrong with this take at all.

I notice that you're trying to keep your picking hand movements really small. At these sorts of speeds you don't have to make a conscious effort to make the wrist movements small,. Just allow your hand to pick naturally and let the wrist move as far as it wants to.

When you play faster your wrist and hand will shorten their movements out of necessity in order to play the opposite stroke.

It's like walking and running. Both are different motions. However, if you tried to walk using tiny steps and at the same foot turnover as your running it wouldn't feel natural. So your walking stride is different to your running stride. Picking is similar. No need to consciously constrain your hand movements at slow tempos. It just uses up extra concentration and you'll find it harder to stay in time.
Pass: 8.7
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