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Original lesson: Alternate Picking Workout #4 by Darius Wave

I'm focusing on my picking and I've decided to (hopefully) learn all the alternate picking workouts by Darius, from the easiest, to the most difficult one.

Kristofer Dahl

This is a very special lesson as it focuses only on getting the basics and details of alternate picking down.

Because when you practice the basics, is when you have a chance to also get the details down. And if you get the details down, you will shine! smile.gif

So with this in mind - I think you do a good job here. However, you could probably also be more relaxed in both your hands. This is the kind of thing that pays back x10 as you tackle more advanced material.

So when possible, I would advise you move the left hand thumb up to the upper edge of the fretboard - like Darius does - as this will allow a more relaxed hand posture.

You might also want to try replicating his right hand fingers posture, typically it's easier to strain/arm the hand when making a fist.

Also, it is a good idea to check that you can play this with minimal picking motion as well - as this will be needed for higher speeds.

Well done - you get a 9 from me.

Gabriel Leopardi
Hi Tadas!!

You can play this one very well but as it's mostly a lesson to adjust your technique, I would put some more attention to your right hand compared to Darius'. If you check his hand, the up and down movement looks smoother, more natural and relaxed. I can see that your hand is not related and that the picking has an extra effort or more aggressive movement when it reaches the string.

The idea is that you could keep the up and down flow natural as two unique movements and trying to follow the gravity. I hope that it makes sense!

Let me know if you have any questions! Keep on rocking!!
Todd Simpson
Well played! You have solid technique going going on here and it's more than enough to Pass this rec! Your synch is strong and picking is clean and strikes are strong. As was mentioned, your still holding a bit of tension in your picking and fretting hands when playing. This is something that is natural, but is worth trying to fight against. The more relaxed your hands can be, the more stamina you can get from them. Tense hands results in the body burning out to quickly. It's not easy to fight the natural instinct to tense up, but it's possible. Focus on keeping the entire body relaxed. As you feel tensing, fight against it. This may mean slowing down playing a bit, until your body adapts. Once you do adapt, your playing will improve and your stamina will increase! You are doing great in bootcamp and in rec. keep it up!

Darius Wave
Hey there again!

You have a great attitude and you respecfully attempt to the lessons.

I'm sorry to say this but it surely will nto surprise you. This lesson won't teach you much - it's wa below the level you are able to reach with relaxed playing. To be honest I have nothing to complain here. Every note is even in tempo and even in attack which I like when we speak of slow alternate picking.

My personal opinion is that the actuall progress starts from the point you start to experience problems - slow enough to focus on what you want to hear but fast enough to start bringing some fingers twists etc.

The saying that you need to play slow to be able to play fast is more complex than these few words and in practise need some exlpanation. You always need to know (besides the moments of inspiration while improvisation is in progress) exactly where is a place of each note and what is the picking direction assigned to it but....hands mechanics change while the tempo increases. You need to practise at the tempo where you start to feel discomfort and you need to apply changes to your hand resting point ,angles, pick grip etc. You will see it works different becasue every mechanism needs some improvements to get more efficienty instead of just "overheating"

I'm afraid you hand "layout" will lead you to a stiff forearm and that's whre most of strength and speed will come. In theory ...Jon Petrucci does this and it seems to work fine for him...but...unless your really want to look like John, Zakk or...Hulk Hogan...(smile.gif) there are wasy to achive good speed with less physical effort. To do so you need to involve more muscles of your hand - besides forearm, there should be wrist rotation and thumb motion.Thenit's more related to Malmsteens technique.

You current layout is more jazzy I would say...with fulyl stiff palm. I've been where you are now and I remember how I had to completely redo my hand mechanics to be able to skip to a different level. Maybe it's time to apply little changes one by one so it won't be too much at once. Just loudly thinking...
Pass: 8.75
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