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Original lesson: Rock Ballad Solo by Guido Bungenstock

I wanted to find a simpler song to practice my tempo and bends. In the end it hasn't been so simple... But I love the song. As always I have had problems with the video. I'm lucky I don't have to make a living from this...

Kristofer Dahl
Wow so good man! 😍

Your tone has much of the same character as Guido's but it totally lacks the top end making it a little dull.

Your playing is for most part very tasty and spot on.

* The fast picking run at 00:42 is pretty promising, but you hands are not synced enough for good picking tone. You are close though.

* 00:49 pitch of this bent note is out, no hiding here (a bit similar at 00:37) . If this happens at a gig and you cannot find your way back to pitch, it's better to kill the note (by dampening the string or maybe sliding down) or - go all in for a more aggressive vibrato where pitch cannot easily be identified.

Your vibrato is pretty stable and promising for most part, though not completely consistent. For example at 01:11 there is a slight interruption in the oscillations and you apply shallow finger based vibrato.

All in all this is absolutely rocking, well done - you get an 7 from me
Monica Gheorghevici
Hi Carlos!

Another great take from you! I think there are a few things that can be improved.

Kris already pointed out some details that also caught my attention (the bend pitch issues and the fast run that need a little more work) so, I will skip over these details.

0:17 - be careful of the timing of this phrase. The last two notes should be played a little faster and earlier.

0:37 - mute the string after the first bend because it should sound short.

0:49 - this vibrato has pitch issues.
As overall advice for vibrato, try to notice what type of vibrato Guido uses on each note. There are moments when your vibrato is too fast for a particular lick. This changes the feel and makes more visible the difference between your take and the original take. Also, notice that Guido let the notes sound a little more before adding the vibrato.

0:57 - 1:01 - this lick is not perfectly well played from the timing point of view. Be careful at the last notes. Also, try to make the 1/4 bend from the B string more audible (put a stronger accent on that note). Maybe if you make this bend in the opposite direction (not downward), it will be easier to manage this detail and give the same kind of flavor.

I think if you will spend a little more time spotting all the details from the lesson, your take will sound awesome! You already have some great tools in your hands! You get a 7 from me. smile.gif
Todd Simpson
You are really digging in to REC which is great to see! Some great feedback so far. Just to add my two cents, I'm glad you picked this one to work on as it's packed with subtle nuance that is great practice for putting the finishing touches in any players style.

I wanted to focus on your vibrato. It's working well most of the time but it often seems to be just a bit tepid/shallow and not quite big/wide enough. Also, vibrato does well when it starts minimal, goes wider, and returns to something minimal. This creates a sense of dynamics in the vibrato. Start small, build up, go back to small before moving on. I do a good bit of single finger vibrato myself, so I know good vibrato can come from a single finger. id suggest isolating vibrato bits in future recs just to give your ears/fingers more of a chance to focus on it. I don't think you need to redo this one though, solid 7 from me!!


Gabriel Leopardi
Hi, friend!

What you say is very interesting. Often we think that a solo is simple, but when we play it, we realize that the subtleties, the groove, the bending and other details bring complications that are sometimes greater than a fast passage.

You're pretty close with this lesson, but I recommend keeping it in your daily practice until you can record a version that doesn't have pitch issues with the stretches or tempo. If that was the goal of this lesson, there's still work to be done.

I believe that these types of lessons combined with the Shredder content you're working on will take your guitar technique to a whole other level, so keep going!
Guido Bungenstock
THX for covering my lesson! ;-)
Pass: 7
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