Bass Warm Up Lesson

Bass Warm Up

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  • Most important thing when it comes to practicing the instrument is warm up!

    In this lesson I'm going to show you series of exercises you can do before each practice session in order to warm up properly.Exercises will cover stretching and warm-up for both hands as well as some slap bass warm ups too. Now, if you are ready to practice let's warm up first!


    - Introduction

    - Hands and wrists stretching

    - Chromatic single string warm up exercise instructions

    - Chromatic single string ascending exercise demo

    - Chromatic single string descending exercise demo

    - Chromatic across all the strings warm up exercise instructions

    - Chromatic across the all strings exercise demo

    - Walking up the neck warm up exercise instructions

    - Walking up the neck ascending exercise demo

    - Walking up the neck descending exercise demo

    - Stretching exercise instructions

    - Stretching exercise demo

    - Slap and pop warm up exercise instructions

    - Slap warm-up exercise demo

    - Cooling down instructions

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