Hybrid Picking Lesson

Hybrid Picking Ghost Notes

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    THE PROFESSOR Getting the Minor Pentatonic Scale under your fingers, as well as learning how to break out of box patterns, will help you get these shapes and sounds into your playing.

    How's it going good people of GMC!?

    Here we are again with another really cool lesson. Something different for all of you. Something fast? No not very fast but this lesson will definitely give you a thicker sound. Hybrid picking but with a twist... Ghost notes! Ghost notes have been present in every aspect of instrument playing since time immemorial but it is most noticeable in drum playing. What I did here is that I kind of incorporated some drum grooves and put notes in them in order to achieve the fulfilling sound of the ghost notes.

    This isn't very hard at all, all you need to do is to study the licks & riffs (of course). But you need to study my right hand technique even more. Most of the ghost notes that are happening in the video were done by my right hand. I semi-slap the strings with my palm or I pluck muted (or sometimes) open (yet subtle) notes, or pick muted notes as well.

    Remember to take this lesson step by step, page by page and week by week for a more accurate output in your cover.
    But most of all what really matters to me is that you apply this technique to your own style of playing.

    Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I did making it.

    Cheers - FT.

    Gear used:

    Guitar: Gibson Nighthawk
    Strings: Elixir Nanoweb
    Effects: Amp effects & drive
    Amp: Fender Stage 1000

    Standard tuning: E, A, D, G, B, E

    Tempo: 90 bpm

    Recording gear:
    Shure PG81
    Shure SM57
    Roland UA-25 EX
    Adobe Audition CS6 as DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)




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