Rock Song Drum Lesson

Rock Song Drum Lesson

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  • Hello GMC! My name is Stole, and this is my first drum lesson here on GMC :)

    For this first lesson I prepared easy classic rock arrangement suitable for beginner drummers, but also for guitar players and other musicians who want to learn more about playing and programming drums for their own songs.

    I hope this lesson will help you get a sense for wooden drums as an instrument, and how real drum set should sound. If you like this lesson, continue on to the series that will cover all the drum components, how they sound and behave. This should provide a good foundation when you try to play or insert some MIDI drums into your own tracks.

    In this lesson we will cover the basics of what a whole classic rock song should have from a drummers point of view.

    Song Structure:
    * Intro (video 1)
    * Verse (video 2)
    * Chorus (video 3)
    * Bridge (video 4)
    * Fill (video 5)

    If you have any questions:
    * Give feedback (upper-right-corner)
    * General Forum

    Enjoy!/ Stole

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