Whammy Bar Phrasing Lesson

Whammy Bar Phrasing

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  • Hi! Welcome to my first lesson at GMC.

    In this lesson I will show you some whammy bar techniques, licks and ideas to spice up your playing style. A lot of players use the whammy bar for extreme vibrato, dive-bombs and various hi pitch squeals, and although I did that kind of stuff in this lesson too, I tried to emphasize a different approach - a more subtile way of using the bar, creating a nice texture and adding an interest to your music.

    The lesson is divided into 9 segments, each concentrating on a different set of techniques and ideas, and each aiming for a particular feel. To get the most out of it, I suggest you spend some time analyzing and working on these ideas and then implement them in your own playing. However, just copying the licks note-for-note and adding them to your vocabulary ain’t such a bad idea either! Please be aware - in a real musical situation you should be carefull with those whammy fireworks - the effect can be spoiled very quickly by using this kind of stuff frequently…just take it easy and mix those techniques and licks with your “regular” playing.

    You’ll need a guitar with floating bridge to be able to execute this lesson 100% accurately. However, you can play the majority of the licks on a strat-style bridge as well, so hopefully there’s something for everybody.

    The scale is phrygian dominant in the key of F#. I included a scale diagram, tabs and written instructions for each section, as well as guitar pro file for the whole lesson.

    I hope you find this lesson informative and fun, feel free to experiment and contact me if you have any questions!

    Damir Puh.

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