Extended Arpeggios Lesson

Extended Arpeggios

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  • Arpeggios are an excellent way to add some melodies to your improvisations. In today's lesson we'll take a visual approach to building some extended arpeggio licks in the key of E Dorian. It is very important that you are familiar with at least a few scale positions of the mode you work with. As you know, the guitar offers a lot of different fingerings for the same scales, that is because of the nature of the instrument allowing us to play the same note on different frets.

    I decided to write the whole Dorian scale notes over a full guitar fretboard underneath in order for you to "make up" your own preferred scale positions. In order to improvise with arpeggios, all you need to do is play those notes skipping a few each time. There is no need to worry about the name of the arpeggio used in the following licks as we are trying to take a visual approach to our lead. Every arpeggio you come up with will work as we are using the full scale to play over the chord progressions.

    You will probably like more than others, and those are the ones you need to work on and develop into your own music. Study well and keep everything as clean and precise as you can.

    Have fun!

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