Funk Rock Lesson

Funk Rock Lesson - Rhythm & Solo

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  • Funk Rock lesson - Rhythm & Solo - C# minor - 113 bpm

    In today's lesson, we'll work both on rhythm and solo. Everything is based around C# minor scale and C# minor pentatonic scale.

    Rhythm part
    Contains lot of double stops, hammer-on & pull-off. It will improve your right hand accuracy when strumming and your left hand when damping strings.

    II: C#m I C#m I A I B :II F#m I G#m I F#m I G#m / A I

    Solo part
    The solo section is more melodic than strictly technique, but pay attention on different bending techniques used.

    II: C#m I A / B :II

    Jam track
    rhythm / solo (64bars) / rhythm / solo (16bars)

    Have fun ! :)

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