Breaks Lesson

Breaks Lesson

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  • Hi everybody! This lesson is about breaks. So this is about a group of notes in our register that can't sound well and we can call them "bridge" too. We have two registers (head voice and chest voice) and when we want to past from one register to another our vocal cords collapse and cause your voice to flip (or "crack" / "break").

    That's why the most common of breaks occurs in the middle to upper – middle part of the range. This part of the range is dangerous to use without a perfect training because when it happens it becomes unexpectedly and uncontrollably, it can be a horribly humiliating and embarrassing experience. It makes you feel like you don't have control over your voice.

    Don't worry, it usually happens when we are singing, even to the rock/ pop stars, if you don’t believe me look at this:

    It's important to get used to going back and forth through the break. The more you do it, the easier the transition becomes. The next exercises are for that. Also you can use it like a decorative tool if you like it, like in this song in the Main video, if you pay attention you can hear like little "breaks" in every change of note.

    The chord progression of the main song is Am - C - F - F. You can use the backing to practice breaks, singing improvisation and also to jam with your guitar using A minor aeolian and A pentatonic minor scales.

    Well, do the exercises for control your voice.

    Good Luck!


    A minor scale.jpg

    A penta minor.jpg
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