Eddie Van Halen Style Lesson

Eddie Van Halen Style

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  • Hello GMC and welcome to my lesson in the Style of Eddie Van Halen!

    I tried to combine many aspects of his playing, not only lead stuff. There is some riffing as well, open chords that Eddie plays quite often.

    Speaking of lead part I mixed many things, from his tapping licks, legato, use of whammy bar and up to his really unique tremolo picking. Plus I added a few natural and tapped harmonics, just to get the whole picture. :)

    The tune is kind of a hard rocking feel, the tempo is 120 bpm. Scale wise, I used D major scale and D Mixolydian as well.

    Hope you're gonna like it and have fun!

    Muris Varajic

    D Major Scale.jpg

    D Mixolydian.jpg
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