Metal Gallop Technique Lesson

Metal Gallop Technique

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  • Welcome to the first galloping lesson at GMC! This lesson will cover one of the very often used rhythm patterns in metal called "galloping"! We will also incorporate natural harmonics, artificial harmonics and other cool tricks for riffing in this lesson so i am pretty sure you will like this lesson and will enjoy playing it with backing track which is made in symphonic metal style, using some orchestra instruments.

    The galloping rhythm itself is fairly simple to understand. Imagine to have 1 bar of 16th notes:


    Having the bar above, you would simply play those 4 group of 16th notes. To achieve galloping rhythm, simply take out each second note of the group (i will mark it with R for REST):


    That's it! Now jump on the lesson and learn it part by part, than have fun riffing with backing track!

    Thanks for checking this out! :)

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