3 Pentatonics Over a m7 Chord Lesson

3 Pentatonics Over a m7 Chord

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  • Hi GMC! In this lesson I made some fusion solo to show you how to use three different pentatonics over a minor seventh chord. The harmony in the backing track is a Gm7 and a Cm7.

    The concept is very simple, like in my other lesson when we used four pentatonics over a maj7 chord.
    Here we have Gm7. Over that chord we can use Gm, Am and Dm pentatonic; and in the Cm7 we can use Cm, Dm and Gm pentatonic. To make a general rule: when you have a minor seventh chord you can use the minor pentatonic of the chord itself, the pentatonic of the II and the pentatonic of the V (all minor).

    You can notice that the two harmonies share some pentatonics like Dm and Gm.

    Cm pentatonic: C, Eb, F, G, Bb
    Dm pentatonic: D, F, G, A, C
    Gm pentatonic: G, Bb, C, D, F
    Am pentatonic: A, C, D, E, G

    The result of all those notes is the Gm scale. But is not the same to think it that way because we care about the sounding of the pentatonic. In the guitar that sound is very known, and is the very first scale that we learn so we are used to that kind of sound.

    I hope you find this useful.

    G penta minor.jpg

    D penta .jpg

    C pentaminor.jpg

    A penta minor.jpg
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