Alternate Picking - Thirds Lesson

Alternate Picking - Thirds

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  • Hello guys and welcome to my 4th Alternate Picking Lesson (Beginner-Intermediate).

    I got a request to do this not so long ago so I tried to accomplish it. :) If you're newbie to picking and scales/boxes I hope this might help.

    The lesson is based on 2 scales in 2 boxes with some sequences as well. As always I'm providing slower Backing Track for you to nail these 16th notes in slow tempo first. In my previous picking lesson I talked about playing the same licks starting with both downstroke and upstroke. You can apply that in here as well if you wish. :)

    Alternate Picking Lesson 4 (Beginner-Intermediate) contains:
    -Alternate Picking
    -C major and C minor scales in 2 boxes(3 notes per string)
    -Sequences in third intervals

    Have fun!

    Muris Varajic

    C Minor Scale.jpg

    C Major Scale.jpg
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