Alternate Picking - Upstroke Focus Lesson

Alternate Picking - Upstroke Focus

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  • Hello GMC and welcome to my 3rd Alternate Picking lesson!

    Quick look at the main video doesn't show anything interesting indeed... But closer look will show that something is going on here:)

    What I do here is that I play each lick twice, first I start it with DOWNSTROKE and then I repeat it starting with UPSTROKE. This will help you to adjust yourself for uncommon picking patterns and to be prepared for unwanted licks while you're jamming or improvising.

    I got into the same situations many times cause I used to practice licks with just one way of picking.
    Now I'm quite fine with it and hope this will get you into same mood as well!! :)

    3rd Alternate Picking lesson contains:
    -Alternate Picking
    -Starts with Downstroke and Upstroke
    -String Skipping
    -Am Scale

    Have fun and let me know if you need any help!!:)

    Muris Varajic

    P.S. This ISN'T fast too much so feel free to go further than just 140 BPM.

    Am Scale.jpg
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