Arpeggio Study Lesson

Arpeggio Study

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  • Arpeggios are the easiest way to sound melodic. That is because arpeggios are highlighting the notes of a given chord. In this lesson, we'll study a piece written in the key of A Major that will use some arpeggio type ideas.

    I tried in the following examples to create 4 note arpeggios using the Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th. I sometimes decided to add the 2nd for extra flavor. It's very important when playing with arpeggios to be comfortable with the different intervals of a given scale. These intervals will tell you what type of chord to build your arpeggio over.

    Here is the constitution of a Major scale:


    From these intervals, we can determine the following chords built on each degree of an A Major scale:

    A Maj7th
    B min7
    C# min7
    D Maj7
    E 7
    F# min7
    G# min7b5

    Study seriously and have fun!

    A Ionian.jpg
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