C Minor Picking Etude Lesson

C Minor Picking Etude

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  • Hello GMC hard-workers! :) For today's lesson I prepared a piece which might be called "Alternate Picking Etude".

    As the name says, it's all about alternate picking, plus I added some palm muting, string skipping
    AND nice trick regarding to fingering. There are a few spots when I play note with index finger
    and right after that the same note with pinky, call it "take of" if you wish. :)

    It's in key of C minor, tempo is 160bpm, all 16th notes, 2 patterns grouping wise.

    It needs great condition indeed, non-stop picking. There are few slow backings, find the one that fits you the best and go for it! :)

    Enjoy and feel free to ask if you need some help!

    Muris Varajic

    C Harmonic Minor Scale.jpg

    C Minor Scale.jpg
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