Country /Bluegrass Solo - Advanced Lesson

Country /Bluegrass Solo - Advanced

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  • Hello GuitarMasterFriends, this is my country solo lesson (level advanced). As you can remember few weeks ago I uploaded my contry rhythm lesson, so now it's time to play over those chords and paint beautiful melodies! :D

    We are going to practice a lot of alternate picking and some muting strings, arpeggios with sweep and string skipping and pedal notes. Take your pick and let's go ;)

    This lesson have 2 parts. In the first one the root is G and I can use a mixolydian (works fine) and in the G chord I can use the G major. I can also use the Gmajor blues scale for small licks.

    The second part is in C so I can play a Cmajor (well you could play other scales, but that's what I've used).

    Well, that's all, see you on the next lesson :D

    G mixolydian.jpg

    G major.jpg

    Gmajor blues.jpg

    cromati scale.jpg
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