Dorian to Lydian Modulation Lesson

Dorian to Lydian Modulation

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  • In today's lesson we'll study a piece that alternates between two different keys. The modulation will be from C Dorian to B Lydian.

    Whenever working on a song that modulates, it's important to prepare your leads so that you can start a musical idea in one key to finish it in another. That's what I call passing tones. Make sure to be comfortable with both scales that I wrote down for you.

    The most important thing when playing over this kind of track is to land on a good note. Start by building a simple musical theme and when the key changes, find the closest note to the note you are playing that would fit the new key...

    Studying the following examples should inspire you to create your own ideas. Playing over modulating keys is very chalenging but can create beautiful music and is very rewarding.

    Have fun!

    C Dorian.jpg

    B Lydian.jpg
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