E9 Vamp Soloing Lesson

E9 Vamp Soloing

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  • Hi Guys!

    Welcome to my lesson.

    Today we are looking at approaches over a funky E9 vamp. A vamp literally means staying on one chord for a prolonged time. Most of the licks are based around E minor pentatonic, but i do venture outside blues harmony very briefly with the use of the Half-whole diminished scale (lick 3). This is a very useful in a fusion vamp context, because the tonality is ambiguous-the key center hasnt been established yet because there is a lack of a chord progression to really define the key. Therefore, in situations like these we can use a variety of different scales to 'colour' the chord.

    Please experiment over the backing track with the scales charts Andrew has kindly provided-thanks Andrew!

    Ive tried to go for a slight Robben Ford vibe here, leaning on the Major 6th interval which has a particularly sweet sound over a dominant chord-try it in your blues progressions too.

    Heres a link to Andrews theory lesson on the Half-whole scale-


    Have a look for some background info!

    Anyhows, hope you enjoy this lesson and any questions or comments fire away!

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