Fake Picking Lesson

Fake Picking Lesson

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  • Hi GMC!!

    I was jamming a bit few days ago and I came up with this "technique" or "pattern".
    And I called it Fake Picking...you'll see why in a sec:)
    Picking here is regular alternate picking but I hit twice less notes than I play actually.
    You are guessing already,hammer-ons,pull-offs,even left-hand tapping are much important here.
    I found this technique great to build up your left hand strength
    but to improve link between both hands as well.
    It's funny really,looks like you're out of time
    and sound like you're playing with 16th timed delay. :)

    Fake Picking Lesson includes:

    -Alternate Picking
    -String Skipping
    -Hammer-ons and Pull-offs
    -Left Hand Tapping
    -Scales E Major and E minor all over fretboard.

    Let's FAKE IT!!!

    Muris Varajic

    E major scale upper.jpg

    E minor scale.jpg

    E major scale.jpg

    E minor scale upper.jpg
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