Johan Larsson D.N.A.F.T - Solo Lesson

Johan Larsson D.N.A.F.T - Solo

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  • The music and the solo in D.N.A.F.T were written for Gustav Almöfs CD "SPIDER" 2003 with the band constellation called Juggernaut. Gustav had made some drum grooves on this track and the mission for me was to create some rock licks and progressive stuff up on it. I play the guitars and the bass on the original track. Andreas Söderin from Seventh Wonder plays the keyboard. The solo in this song is my favorite part to play.

    The whole solo is played in C minor with some pentatonic minor notes in the end. I usually like to combine easy melodies with more bluesy stuff. When I do rock solos I improvise a lot and catch and keep the parts that make the melody sounds interesting and dynamic. My goal is often to reach some kind of climax near the end. The main thing is however to complete a general rhythmic melody suitable for the background music.
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