Misconception Lesson

Misconception- Riffing n Picking (drop D)

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  • Hey GMC! Alright, this lesson is primarily for developing speed and stamina. Style-wise, it's definitely for metalheads, however stamina of course applies to any style.

    Before you delve into the lesson, make sure you know what 16th note triplets are. 16th triplets are basically 6 notes per beat. So they can be pretty fast, and that is the main rhythmic note that we will be using in this lesson.

    I'd strongly recommend practicing this riff slowly and to the metronome. This riff is at 120 bpm, but I'd say start at 60 bpm, just to make sure you're playing very accurately.

    Also note, this lesson is in Drop D Tuning.

    Have fun!

    Sean Conklin
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