Mixolydian Pentatonics Lesson

Mixolydian Pentatonics Lesson

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  • In today's lesson we are going to study the mixolydian scale and use it along with minor pentatonics.
    Although the chords of the backing track are major, we will use in our improvisation a minor blue pentatonic. The friction created by the minor third will add a very cool bluesy touch.

    Start by learning the two scales underneath.

    The first one is the mixolydian mode, which is the 5th mode of a Major scale. It works over 7th chords.

    The secong scale is a minor blues pentatonic along with major thirds. The minor thirds should be seen as passing notes, just like the blue note between the 4th and the 5th.

    Have fun!

    Pentatonic min maj blues.jpg

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