Phrygian to Ionian Modulation Lesson

Phrygian to Ionian Modulation

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  • In today's lesson, we will study an improvisation that will use the Phrygian mode, and the Ionian mode (aka Major scale).
    The key is in G and the track modulates from G Phrygian to G major.
    The following licks are not very technical, but are there to show you how to build musical ideas that are built around the chords.
    For this lesson, I decided to leave the 3 note per string patterns asside and work with more arpeggio friendly scale shapes.
    When the backing track modulates, try to analyze the landing note and hear how it follows the chords.

    As always, learn the examples and make them your own. These are just ideas that you should use to develop your own style. There is something in each guitar player that is proper to them, and that's what your ultimate goal should be: play like only you can. :-)


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