Pink Floyd Style Lesson

Pink Floyd Style Lesson

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  • This lesson is a soft Bluesy-Rock solo which featured some bends being excruciatingly tortured :). The backing track chords are Amin and D9. It defintely has a bit of a Pink Floyd going on, and loops endlessly well I find.

    Floyd's guitarist David Gilmour is a very Blues based player, and perhaps the solo sound is a little heavier than he might dial in, but the basic feel is very Floydian (is that a word? hmm).

    These type of bends can easily played with a clean sound too and sound well over many styles of music.

    Pay special attention to creating space in between the licks. This is vital to get an authentic "Bluesy" sound. So don't be afraid to stop playing in places and let the delay do the work in this case :).

    Beginners Note: Overplaying is a common fault heard over these type of tracks. There is a tendency to "fill every gap". Let the pauses emphasize the parts you are playing. It's a real case of "less is more" and is a surprisingly powerful tool in a case like this.

    As ever, I would advise learning the piece by ear and then use the Tab to guide if needed.

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