Slide Guitar Lesson

Slide Guitar Lesson

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  • Hello GMC,it's time for a Slide Lesson!!

    I saw request on the forum tho,so this is my contribution to that :)
    I chose blues 12 bars and chord progression pattern,which is quit easy to understand why...
    There are few very important things I must say about playing with the slide.
    First of all,action of the strings needs to be as higher as possible cause low action will cause you lot of noise etc.
    Second,you MUST set the slide ABOVE fret,not between them as you do while playing with your fingers.
    And third thing,muting is something you need to think of all the time.
    I'm doing it with my right hand fingers,holding stings around the one that I'm playing on.
    I'll try to explain all these details while we go through lesson:)

    This one includes:
    -playing with slide
    -"pick and fingers" picking
    -blues chord progression
    -right hand fingers muting
    -E major scale,E minor pentatonic scale,E blues scale,E Mixolydian
    and much more

    Have fun!!

    E Blues Scale.jpg

    Em Pentatonic.jpg

    E Major Scale.jpg

    E Mixolydian.jpg
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