Stamina Lesson - Speed Bursts

Stamina Lesson - Speed Bursts

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  • Hi GMC and welcome to my 2nd Alternate Picking Lesson!!

    As we did in first lesson,we'll again stick to time changing(16th and 16th triplets).
    This time I putted a bit easier shapes,one scale on just 2 strings(D and G)
    and the same note pattern played in 3 different ways.
    First is in 16th,second is in 16th triplets and third one combines these two rhythmic values.
    Pattern is in all 7 positions/boxes and it's just another way to learn them better:).

    2nd Alternate Picking Lesson contains:
    -Alternate Picking
    -G major scale in 7 boxes on D and G strings
    -Switching between 16th and 16th triplets.

    Have fun!!

    Muris Varajic

    G scale.jpg
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