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John Hatcher

Location: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, US
Date of birth: June 22, 1981
Been playing guitar since: 1992


Not only is that how high all my amps go, it's also how old I was when I found my dad's old beat up acoustic guitar in the back of a closet. I don't know how long it had been sitting there untouched, but when I saw it, I knew I had to learn how to play it.

A few months later, Dad had that old beater fixed up and I was banging out a few chords.

I dove straight into Zeppelin, Hendrix and even Metallica on that old guitar. Before long, I earned the upgrade to my very own electric guitar. That made playing Metallica sound so much better!

Since then, I've played in several bands ranging from metal to punk to Southern Rock. But the last several years have been dedicated to learning everything I can about the blues.

Playing and Influences
I have a bit of an obsession with acoustic blues players like Etta Baker, Keb Mo and Blind Blake. I can trace this obsession back to one song: Eric Clapton's version of "Hey, Hey" by Big Bill Broonzy.

That song opened up a whole new world for my guitar playing. I must have spent months trying to get my rock and roll fingers to play that tune. But eventually, I nailed it.

Even though my playing is mostly acoustic, I play a good bit of electric too and have always loved listening to guys like SRV, BB King, Freddie King and Buddy Guy. These days, I'm really digging the modern blues sounds of Joe Bonamassa.

I believe that good guitar playing comes from starting small and simple. Over time, all the small things add up to something big.
With my lessons here at GMC, we'll focus on those small things and brick-by-brick, I'll show you how to build a rock solid foundation in blues guitar.

I hope you get a lot out of my lessons and I look forward to helping you become a better blues player.

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