Blues Chords In E Lesson

Blues Chords In E

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  • Hi GMC-ers!

    Welcome to my blues chord lesson! In this lesson we’ll play a tradicional 8 bar blues circle with some very simple chords, in different positions. I think these are rather only ideas how we can play a blues circle the simlyest way. Of course we can play more chords in more position if we have already known the structure of this pattern.

    In the first part I use some very simple open string chords, at the end is a closing theme from the eleventh fret, but it’s an easy to play part as well.

    The second part differes from the first, it’s mainly at the fifth and the seventh fret. These are the same chords as before, but played in different positions. The last theme is repeated, this is the same as in the previous part.

    The chord progression is as follows:

    E7 E7 A7 E7 B7 A7 E7 B7

    Good practicing!

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