Metal Riffing in B Minor Lesson

Metal Riffing in B Minor

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  • Hey Guitarists!!
    It’s me again, this time I brought an exercise for metal fans in its progressive form, it’s about a composition that I did with a friend for a band some time ago and it’s based on the B Minor scale. I’m using the same scale during the whole exercise because not only the approach isn’t lost this way, but it’s also useful to review the positions of this scale.

    It basically consists of three parts, the first one is a riff where I use the 6th and 7th degree to resolve to B. This first part has string skipping licks, that's the idea we based upon to do all the riffs. In fact I think that is what we have to do when it comes to compose a song: Make a riff and from that point every other riff that comes along will have something to do with the first one, so when they come around to that first part they'll have more definition!!

    Parts two and three are for testing your Palm Muting techniques, these final parts are pretty effective to work String Skipping and Picking. My advise to fans of this style is to practice this riff daily.

    I use a whole bunch of distortion for this one!! without it may not sound metal at all!! and doesn't deserve to sound without breaking distortion!! rock it out and good luck!! yeahh!!


    guitar tune down one step

    from 6th string to 1st these are the notes:

    D G C F A D

    It´s a lower tuning, for heavier sounds, specially for this kind of music with a lot
    of palm mute, and heavy riffs, you can make a lot of noise!!


    B minor G5 A5 D5 E5


    palm mute
    string skiping


    B minor scale

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