Shawn Lane: Intermediate Lesson

Shawn Lane: Intermediate

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  • Hello and welcome to my new lesson. This time we are taking our Shawn Lane study to the next level. In the beginner lesson you were introduced to some of his most used patterns. In this lesson we're doubling the pace of these patterns to give you an extra challenge and to get you closer to using them at the sort of performance level tempos you will eventually want to attain.

    Shawn Lane (March 21, 1963 – September 26, 2003) was an exceptionally capable guitarist whose technique still blows people's minds today. He released two studio albums, 'Powers of Ten' and 'The Tri-Tone Fascination' and collaborated on numerous projects.

    Although Shawn used common techniques such as alternate picking and legato, it was the way he combined them and the sheer speeds he could achieve that makes his playing hard to decipher. Thankfully he left us just enough to follow with his instructional videos 'Power Licks' and 'Power Solos'.

    Ok, this one is more of a challenge but you've got this!

    E A D G B E - Standard Tuning
    Ibanez RG7421, Overloud TH3, Cubase, Superior Drummer 2

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