Breathing and Vowels Lesson

Breathing and Vowels Lesson

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  • Hello GMC and welcome to my first lesson on singing! :) This lesson is adapted to best suit the needs of a guitarist, but anybody who wants to learn how to breathe and sing normally can use it. Here we go! :)

    This lesson is for beginners who are just starting to sing properly. I will show you how to breathe in a right way in video 2, and then you will have some vowel (vocal) exercises in videos 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Why like this? Well first of all, we must learn how to inhale and breath out before we can make the best of our voice. First do some of the breathing exercises in video 2 and then move on to more advanced ones.

    This lesson is divided into two main sections. The first one is about breathing, and the second one is about vowel exercises. There are 5 main vowels: A, I, E, U, O, and in the second part of the lesson we will sing a C major scale up and down using all the vowels. Why is this important and why Cmajor scale? Well, remember when you first started out learning a guitar? Some of the first scales you used is a Cmajor scale. The same is with singing. We will use the Cmajor because we are relatively familiar with, so we don't have to concetrate that much on the scale itself and we have some space to think more about our breathing.

    In the main video I am simply strumming Cmajor chord on open strings so I can have a reference C point. I play it simple, again, to be able to concentrate more on singing. Our goal today is to sing with the same strength in upper and lower octaves, and to learn to use all the vowels equally well. Remember, singing takes time in practice just like everything else, so don't rush it, and be patient.

    This lesson conatins:

    - Breathing exercises
    - C major scale use
    - Vowels exercises

    Have fun and lets begin!

    Cmajor scale.jpg
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