Touch Guitar - Polyphonic Tapping Lesson

Touch Guitar - Polyphonic Tapping

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  • Hello !!! Welcome to my second lesson ;)

    I have recorded one of my songs called OMEGA. In fact it's only an arrangement that I play with touch technique (I usually called it as Poliphonic tapping :P). This technique consist in tap directly into the frets with both hands.
    In this particular lesson I play the melody with my right hand and the bass-line with my left.

    That sound use the scale of B harmonic minor.
    You can listen the complete song (without this arrengement) here:

    (it's from my first album: "DE TODOS MODOS" (2006))

    1. I use a "hair elastic" to mute the strings (it's the weird white thing in my frets 1-2 XD).
    2. I use clean sound with a bit delay and a high COMPRESSOR effect because the notes played by the right hand often sounds muffled and with low volume.


    0. (this video): song with Backing track
    1. fast without backing
    2. slow
    3. slow with Zoom
    4. eyes sight (I only play right hand, my left hand honds the camera XD)
    5. overhead sight
    6. overhead slow
    7. PART 1
    8. PART 2
    9. PART 3
    10. PART 4
    11. Ending arpegio

    Thanks to all, Enjoy the lesson !!!!!!!!!
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