8 Fingers Tapping Over Arpeggios Lesson

8 Fingers Tapping Over Arpeggios

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  • Hey fellows! On this lesson we’ll work on different variations over a series of arpeggios and, in every case, working with 8 fingers tapping. The first series is simple and it repeats the same pattern.
    You have to pay attention in this case to get the same volume on the legatos of both hands and play properly the duration of the note we’re playing. On the second series, we’ll work on groups on one string each as the previous example, but in this case, adding more work to the right hand. On the third and the last series, we’re working over the same arpeggios but adding strings skipping and more complexity on both hands.

    The final idea of the lesson is to take these examples and transport them to other keys and other groups.
    Work every example slow with metronome. Then, when you’re sure and get used to them, speed it up little by little.
    The tempo on this lesson is 180bpm
    Let’s work!!

    G arpeggio:

    C arpeggio:

    B arpeggio:

    F# dim arpeggio:

    D arpeggio:

    A minor arpeggio:

    E minor arpeggio:
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