Applying Modes - Part 2 Lesson

Applying Modes - Part 2

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  • Welcome to lesson about Applying Modes- part 2!
    In this lesson I would like to show you where and how you can apply modes. We will take the example of famous C major scale and and its tones-

    C D E F G A B C

    and examples of songs with a progression that you hear many times, songs of different tonality and genres, all played with only one scale - C major !

    I will not talk much about the Modes generally, because here are many good lessons on this topic. I'd like just, if possible, simplify even more these "mysterious" modes!

    All of the modes in the Key of C major have the same notes. If you play from C to C you would be playing the C Major Ionian mode. If you played from D to D in C Major, you would be playing the Dorian mode. E to E is the Phrygian mode. Don't let all the names get you confused. Once you learn the Key of C, all the other Major keys will be a easy to learn.

    Remember, all major keys are constructed the same. Major, minor, minor, Major, Major, minor, diminished and Major.

    - Lydian (major) mode starting from F :
    C D E F G A B C

    The fourth mode of the major scale is called the lydian mode. It is similar to the major scale, except that it has a raised fourth.The raised fourth is not as dissonant over a major chord as the natural fourth of the major scale, although it is somewhat exotic sounding.

    - MIxoLydian (major) mode starting from G :

    C D E F G A B C

    The fifth mode of the major scale is called the mixolydian mode. It is similar to the major scale except that the seventh degree is minor rather than major. The mixolydian mode generates a dominant seventh chord.Therefore, the mixolydian mode is a natural choice when improvising over a dominant seventh chord.

    - Aeolin (minor) mode starting from A :
    C D E F G A B C

    The sixth mode of the major scale is the natural or pure minor scale, also known as the aeolian mode. It generates a minor seventh chord.

    - Locrian (diminished) mode starting from B :
    C D E F G A B C

    The seventh mode of the major scale is the locrian mode. It generates a half-diminished or m7b5 chord..

    Let's start..
    This is a second part of the lesson where we will study the last four modes-

    Lydian - chord progression/ F,G
    - chord progression/ G7,F
    - chord progression/ Am,Fmaj,E7
    Locrian - chord progression/ B5,C

    GP file ,tabs, and backing tracks included!

    Scale used - C major

    From this course:

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