Modes Workout Lesson

Modes Workout

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  • Welcome to my Modal Workout lesson!

    What is a mode?

    Here's the definition as found in the GMC's wiki :

    "A mode is a variation of a specific scale generated using set rules to obtain a slightly different set of notes.
    When coupled with the altered chords that this implies, a mode can give a different and characteristic sound to a piece. "

    We'll work on two important things :

    1 - learning the modes, the shapes, the characteristic notes.
    2 - the sounds, the mood of each modes, being able to recognize them.

    For the lesson's purpose, I choose to play each mode with the same starting point, the A note, 5th fret/E string.
    It's good for learning the shape but it will also allow us to compare the sound, the atmosphere of each mode.

    Here are the characteristic notes:

    IMaj7 / Ionian : 1, 2/9 , 3, 4/11, 5, 6/13, M7
    IIm7 / Dorian : 1, 2/9, m3, 4/11, 5, 6/13, 7
    IIIm7 / Phrygian : 1, b2/b9, m3, 4/11, 5, b6/b13, 7
    IVMaj7 / Lydian : 1, 2/9, 3, #4/#11, 5, 6/13, M7
    V7 / Mixolydian : 1, 2/9, 3, 4/11, 5, 6/13, 7
    VIm7 / Aeolian : 1, 2/9, m3, 4/11, 5, b6/b13, 7
    VIIm7b5 /Locrian : 1, b2/b9, m3, 4/11, b5, b6/b13, 7

    Backing track : 120 bpm

    II: Am I % I % I % I AMajor I % I % I % I Am I % I % I % I AMajor I % I % I % I
    I Am I % I % I % I AMajor I % I % I % I Am I % I % I % :II

    To practice your ear and recognize the sounds of each mode, I also included 2 backing tracks with only the synth pads :
    one is with the A minor chord (video #8), the other with A Major chord (video #9)

    Gear used:
    Haar Stratocaster
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