Marius Bob Neoclassical Lesson

Marius Bob Neoclassical Etude

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  • Welcome to my first guitar lesson on GMC.
    This lesson will show you a few techniques such as alternate picking, sweep arpeggios,
    palm mute, jumping into position, legato and much more. I hope you will like how I've combined the techniques in a metal neoclasical style.

    The song begins in the key of C minor, using C harmonic minor scale. The key signature of C minor is Bb, Eb and Ab. The difference between natural minor and harmonic minor is the raised 7th(harmonic minor).

    Using F diminished 7 arpeggio the song going to G minor changing the key signature(Bb, Eb). I use G harmonic minor scale on G minor tonality. It is the same pattern like C harmonic minor, but now , the root note is G.

    This is a personal composition and I hope to enjoy it. I will play the song in 7 parts, from different angles of the camera, fast and slow.
    Feel free to ask anything.

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