Neoclassical Picking Lesson

Neoclassical Picking Etude

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  • Hi GMC!

    Classical music can be very challenging, various scales and large arpeggios combined with fast tempo require tremendous control and precision. That is why this style is perfect for picking improvement as well as for general technique.

    In the first two bars sweep picking arpeggios are combined with scalar sequences, using common shapes. In the second part we also play arpeggios but using alternate picking only, having in mind that positions in which they were played doesn’t really requires sweep picking. In the last part, harmonic minor is used to play 3rds down the whole neck, this requires lots of inside picking, which makes it even more difficult. 3 scales are used: G major, G minor and A# major

    Harmony used is also very simple and typical: G, D, G, D, G, C, D, G, then G min, D 7, G min, D 7, G min, C min, D 7, G minor, then F 7, A#, F 7, A# , F 7, C min, D 7 G min, then F 7, A#, F 7, A#, F# dim7, G minor, D 7, G minor.


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