Mixolydian #4 Licks Lesson

Mixolydian #4 Licks

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  • Hi guys! Dallton here, hope everyone is fine!

    In this lesson we are going to learn five killer licks over a musical style in Brazil called Baião.

    Baião is a Northeastern Brazilian music genre and dance style based on a syncopated duple meter rhythm, based around the pulse of the zabumba, a flat, double-headed bass drum played with a mallet in one hand and a stick in the other, each striking the opposite head of the drum for alternating high and low notes, frequently accompanied by an accordion and a triangle pattern. The baião rhythm is integral to the genres of forró, repente and coco (or embolada). It is mostly associated with the state of Pernambuco. Baião was popularized via radio in the 1940s, reaching peak popularity in the 1950s.

    The cool thing here is that we are going to work the mixolidian #4 scale which is derived from the fourth degree of the melodic minor scale.

    I hope you enjoy this class and absorb a litlle bit of the nice Brazilian musical culture. This lesson will teach you how to play Baião, and you can also collect some elements and put them into your preferred style, it can work on rock, heavy metal, fusion, jazz or prog.

    Main key = E7 mixolidian #4

    Tuning = Standard

    BPM = 95

    Gear = Ibanez 652 Prestige / Neural DSP / Cubase / Focusrite
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