Petrucci Style Lesson

Petrucci Style - Arabic Sensation

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  • Hi people! We'll be studying at a person, with the simple fact of born, changed the future, he is the Messiah, tamer of the machines, the influence of many people, powerful and super virtuous. I mean John Connor! (?) I Lie! I mean the heavyweight champion, with you: John Petrucci (backing track: Rocky music). As everyone knows, this monster of rock is the leader of an awesome band, Dream Theater. Also, I recommend listening to his soloist material, has no waste. Not much to tell of this titan of the guitar, if you want more of it, listen to their albums.

    In this lesson I use a sound respecting the style of him:
    - Power Distortion (same of rat, guv of marshall, etc), compressor same of orange (power compressor), with some delay and reverb.

    F# (all harmony is based on this chord. In this style, the work is used especially Riff and musical arrangement)

    Palm muting
    Alternate picking
    Sweep picking

    F# Phrygian

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