SRV Chordal Licks Lesson

SRV Chordal Licks

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    This lesson covers rhythm work in the style of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Vaughan is considered one of the greatest guitar players, and his technique was based on strong playing, aggressive bends and vibratos, full tone, and use of both chords and melodies equally well.

    Being the only guitar player in his trio, he had to make lots of "noise" with his guitar. His playing involves lots of chords, chord embelishments, raked notes, and other techniques that will help his sound become fuller.

    This lesson explains how you can achieve that, the use of his favorite chords, but we will also add licks between the chords, since this was the way Vaughan would play it. At the end of the lesson, you have a nice finishing blues lick too.

    The lesson is being played in D standard tuning. This means that you have to tune all the strings down a whole step from E standard. If you want to play the lesson in E standard, you can still use tabs and guitar pro file, but also videos to help you guide through technical details of playing the composition.

    Scales that we will use in this lesson are D blues scale and D mixolydian mode. These two scales have some notes in common, and if you combine them both, you will get all the notes needed for playing this lesson.

    D blues

    D mixolydian

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