The Police: Walking On the Moon Lesson

The Police: Walking On the Moon

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  • Hello everyone, today I bring a song by The Police called "Walking on the moon" from the album "Reggatta De Blanc" (1979).

    The structure of the song is:

    Intro: 8ms (measures)
    Verse 1 8ms
    Bridge 1 4ms
    Verse 2 8ms
    Bridge 2 1ms
    Chorus 1* 8ms
    Bridge 3 4ms (intro material)
    Verse 3 8ms
    Bridge 4 1ms
    Chorus 2* 4ms
    Outro 8+8ms

    *The chorus is at double tempo and the measure length written above are using the "slow" beat.
    There is a 1 measure long bridge that serves to change the beat and the groove: On the verse the guitars plays on the beat and in the chorus the guitar plays on the off-beat ("regular" reggae rhythm comping)

    The guitar parts are easy however the rhythm placement is kinda tricky, so in the explanatory vids we will be using the bts panned to the left while the guitar is panned to the right.

    I recommend counting using the accents of the guitar part regardless what the other instruments are doing.

    The guitar parts are:

    Guitar 1: This plays long chords with chorus and delay. (We will need to set the delay tap-tempo to the double at the chorus).

    Guitar 2: Regular comping guitar

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