Introduction to the Mixolydian Mode Lesson

Introduction to the Mixolydian Mode

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  • Have you ever felt stuck while improvising with the pentatonic scale and reached a point when you feel that there is nothing else you can get out of that scale? Well, this lesson might be just right for you. We'll talk today about the Mixolydian mode and how it can bring to your lead ideas some new colors.

    Let's start by taking a look at the formula of the Mixo scale:


    Taking the Root, 3rd, 5th and 7th of that scale will tell us which chord will work under that mode which in our case is a dominant 7th chord. To make things a little more interesting, we'll add an extra 9th to our chord (Root-Maj3rd-5th-min7th-9th)

    Two different keys will be used in the backing track: D Mixolydian and C Mixolydian.

    As always, make sure all the licks sound clean and pay attention to the rhythm placement and fingering of the licks.

    Have fun!

    From this course:

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