Eric Johnson Scales Lesson

Eric Johnson Scales Lesson

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  • Eric Johnson is one of the most respected players today. His flawless technique and remarkable sense of melody are aspects of his playing that every guitar fan should admire. Today we'll try to approach his style using a few tools that are found in his soloing.

    In order to approach Eric's style, we'll rely mostly on minor pentatonic scales. Spend time memorizing the following diagrams and try to go from one to the other.

    Secondly, study the Aeolian scale underneath as we'll use that diagram to add some notes to the pentatonic scales.

    Approach the following licks slowly and try to add all the little nuances that you hear. Also, make sure to play the following as clean as possible.

    Study well!


    Sliding pentatonic.jpg





    F Aeolian.jpg
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