Drunk Blues Soloing Lesson

Drunk Blues Soloing

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  • Hey guys!

    In this lesson we will play a standard 12 bars blues solo in A7.
    I also added the F7 in the chord progression so you will be forced to adapt your phrasing to the harmony.

    It's really useful in order to start to "see" and recognize different patterns and chord shapes on your fretboard!
    If you can play chords over a song, then you are also able to improvise on it. How? Recognizing at least the important degrees such as like the 1st, 3rd and 7th!

    In this solo I use a lot of different techniques especially hybrid picking, bending and alternate picking. Be sure to practice it with a low gain in order to be able to play it as clean as possible! Remember to play it slow and to figure out the chord shape before practicing it at the normal speed.

    Using the hybrid-picking you will learn to control your fingers and your right hand in general.
    Of course, pay attention to the timing.

    Guitar : Ibanez Andy Timmons Signature, AT100CL

    Equipment : Laney VH100 recorded with an Isobox using two microphones: the Shure SM 57 and the Sennheiser e606.

    Tempo : 152 bpm

    Signature : 6/8

    Chord progression

    | A7 | / | / | / |

    | D7 | / | A7 | / |

    | E7 | F7 E7 | A7 | E7 |

    Key signature : A7

    Techniques used :

    - Hammer on/Pull off
    - Legato
    - Hybrid Picking (pick + fingers)
    - Sweep Picking
    - Bending

    Have fun and stay tuned for the next lesson! ;)




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